Circuit Of The Americas, Austin Texas. Turn-1 Viewing area Pano.

Although I have followed Moto GP since 1964, the days of Mike Hailwood, Jim Redman and Giiacomo Agostin as a young boy, 2024 would be my first experience in the modern era of witnessing a live, 3-day Moto GP event. I have watched televised races for years but arriving on Thursday to set up camp in my motorhome, at the track, meeting like-minded enthusiasts, and departing the following Monday was unlike anything I’d experienced before. It would also be my first opportunity to photograph these blazingly fast motorcycles in action with my Nikon Z9’s amazing auto-focus system, and the powerful Nikon Z 800mm lens. 

Photograph’s from Turn 1

Photographs from Turns 2, 3 & 4 The esses.

Photographs from Turn 6

Photographs from Turn 9

General scenes